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Showing posts from May, 2020

How to Browse Without Sacrificing Your Privacy to Third Party Advertisers

Privacy - like eating and breathing - is one of life's basic requirements. Katherine Neville Have you ever saved your passwords and your account data on Google Chrome Browser or any other browsers? A secure browser that protects your privacy is a critical tool for staying safe online and keeping your data secure from third parties. Unless properly configured, most browsers contain vast amounts of private information that can potentially be exploited - or simply collected - by various third parties: Browsing History: all the websites you visit. Login Credentials: usernames and passwords. Cookies and Trackers: these are placed on your browser by the sites you visit. Auto fill Information: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. And even with a locked down and hardened browser, there may still be exploits that reveal your data and potential identity. Warning: When using "private" or "incognito" mode in your browser, your real IP address and location are still being...

Best Self-Help eBooks to Read In This Quarantine Season

The habit of reading is one of the best qualities that a person can possess. Books are known to be your best friend for a reason. Reading helps a great deal in building your confidence, reducing stress and puts you in a better mood. Once you start reading books and make it your habit, you will eventually get addicted to it. Reading is the best kind of refreshment that you need from your hectic life schedule. So no matter how busy you get, do not forget to make time for you and your books. Now if you are a person who doesn’t read, well it’s never too late to start. What could be a more better opportunity than a situation like this to nurture a new habit into your life. Here are the top 5 eBooks you can start with and since I personally have read all of them, I can guarantee no book can become a better candidate than these 5 to start reading with. 5. IKIGAI, THE JAPANESE SECRET TO LONG AND HAPPY LIFE The term ”ikigai” is explained in various ways. You can describe it briefl...